FRONEKS is an action-adventure story driven thriller video game with IP value set in a world after an environmental catastrophe. The gameplay spins around collecting memory trails to uncover the plot against humanity, focusing on puzzle & stealth mechanics.

The game tells a story of Cal - a guy, who’s no different than any other guy working in a factory producing Morium – the gas that cleanses atmosphere after the catastrophe. Things take dramatic turn when Cal discovers an ability to percieve memory trails left by different people. It’s like flashbacks. He has to learn to manage his ability and put memory trails in a timeline to uncover the dark secrets held by the elites against humanity, and to find out who he is.

unique gameplay

collect memory trails scatterd across the decaying cityscape inhabited by all sorts of criminals and freaks, put them on timeline to uncover the dark secrets.

choose the best way to pass each level switching between stealth and combat, or even fight with the armor, that you found or bought on street market.

ip value

complex and sophisticated story with various story lines, including main, routine, investigative and love lines. It’s not just another game, it’s a story, that you can tell in multiple forms.

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(c) Gaameon Games, 2024

ip value

complex and sophisticated story with various story lines, including main, routine, investigative and love lines. It’s not just another game, it’s a story, that you can tell in multiple forms.